If the documentation does not answer your question, please contact
Kevin Wentworth kevin.wentworth@maine.edu - (207) 581-4946
An abstract summarizes the major aspects of the proposal to include the overall purpose of the study, the research problem(s) you will investigate, and the basic design of the study.
Animal Subjects
"Do any project activities include the use of animal subjects?" If yes, additional approvals will be required before project setup. Questions should be directed to the Office of Research Compliance.
The financial core of a proposal is the budget, which must use the ORA Budget Template. The budget will be uploaded and available through GPS.
Certified - DNA / Infectious Agents
If you answered yes to the previous question about Recombinant DNA or Infectious Agents, have you been certified or approved already to handle these?
Formerly "Percent of Responsibility" or simply "RESP", the Percent of Credit is used on reports to give each participant a percentage of the overall credit for this project. The percent of credit may be entered as zero depending on that participants role. The sum of the Credit for all participants must equal 100%.
Curriculum reform or changes
If this project involves reform or changes.
Desired Submission Date
This date refers to when you would like to submit the proposal. The date may be the same or sooner than the Sponsor Due Date. The Desired Submission Date determines the timeline and is required even if there is no Sponsor Due Date.
Direct Sponsor
Refers to the organization from which we will receive funds directly, and to which we are submitting the actual proposal. Type the name of the external organization to which UMaine is submitting the proposal. If UM is applying as a subrecipient on someone else's proposal, this is the name of the lead organization.
Dive Physicals
"Do any project activities require dive physicals for scientific divers?"
Emerging Areas of Excellence
Select the your answers to these two items without regard to its financial or departmental affiliation. For more information on these areas, visit http://umaine.edu/areas/. If the proposal is associated with more than one area, choose the one that it is most closely associated with. If this proposal is not closely associated with any of these, please select "Not associated with..."
Encryption - Shipped or Carried
"Does the project involve sharing, shipping, hand carrying, transmitting or transferring any university-developed, non-commercial encryption software in source code or object code?" If you answered "yes" to this question, it is likely that a license would be required, but due to the nature of these questions, it is also likely that your license request will be denied.
Export Control Data Provided
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement indicate that sensitive information, export controlled data, materials, or equipment will be either provided by the sponsor or be necessary for the project?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
Export Control Referenced
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement reference U.S. export control regulations or security restrictions (beyond a mere adherence to the law)?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
Export Controls Certify
A check that you certify that you have answered these questions to the best of my knowledge and reviewed all applicable lists.
Exposure to Chemicals
"Do any project activities require medical evaluations for potential exposure to radiation, formaldehyde, benzene, lead, pesticides, etc.?"
Exposure to Noise
"Do any project activities require audiograms for potential exposure to noise?"
Foreign Nationals in the U.S.
"Will the project involve participation of foreign nationals in the U.S.?" If you answered "yes" to this question, an export license or license exception may be required for the foreign national/entity BEFORE beginning work on the project or PRIOR TO the transfer of goods, services, information.
Foreign Nationals outside the U.S.
"Will the project involve participation of foreign nationals or foreign entities outside the U.S.?" If you answered "yes" to this question, an export license or license exception may be required for the foreign national/entity BEFORE beginning work on the project or PRIOR TO the transfer of goods, services, information.
Funds commited beyond the end date
Occasionally a project requires ongoing funds to be committed beyond the end of the project. This may need additional administrative approvals.
Grant Administrative Unit (GAU)
The Department or Center that will be managing this award. This may or may not be the PI's home department.
Heavy Lifting
"Do any project activities require evaluations for individuals who must perform heavy lifting, and/or repetitive lifting/handling activities?"
Human Subjects
"Do any project activities include the use of human subjects?" If yes, additional approvals will be required before project setup. Questions should be directed to the Office of Research Compliance.
Identify Foreign Nationals
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement require UMaine to identify foreign nationals, including their citizenship?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
Intellectual Property - Existing/Enhanced
"Does this proposed activity have the potential for the enhancement of existing UMaine IP or the development of new IP*?" Intellectual Property is defined as copyrights, patents, trademarks or trade secrets
Intellectual Property - New
"Does this proposed activity utilize existing UMaine intellectual property (IP)*?" Intellectual Property is defined as copyrights, patents, trademarks or trade secrets
Justification / Budget Justification
The Budget Justification is a narrative description of the proposed costs. Generally, it explains staffing, travel costs and materials and supplies, the methods used to estimate/calculate these costs (including escalation or inflation factors) and other details such as lists of items that make up the total costs for a category .
"Do any project activities use Class 3b or 4 lasers?"
Link to Solicitation
A link to the document, article, or webpage describing this opportunity. This can include, but is not limited to things such as an RFP, PA, FOA, RFA, or BAA. This is used by the proposal staff to help determine the requirements.
Match or Cost Share
These terms refer to additional funds being provided to the project by the University or a third party. Match or Cost Share may be direct, indirect, or in-kind and will, if mandatory, be specified in the solicitation. If there will be match or cost share involved, select Yes. Cost sharing can increase the complexity of the proposal, which is why we ask about it at the NOI stage.
Military or Space Technology
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement indicate the project is related to military, space, or high-level encryption technology?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
The name of a participant or approver on this proposal.
This is your chance to provide ORA with any additional information that will help with this process. If there is something out of the ordinary about this proposal or if it is late, you can provide an explanation here that is seen by ORA staff.
Notes - Countries
If you answered YES to any part of export control questions 1 and 5: please enter the name of the country, the individuals involved, and a brief description of the activity or collaboration. Question 2-4, please provide an explanation or the location of the restriction(s) in the RFP for each yes answer.
Nuclear, Biological, or Missiles
"Does the project involve activities that could be used to support the design, development, production, stockpiling, or use of a nuclear explosive device, chemical or biological weapons, or missiles?" If you answered "yes" to this question, it is likely that a license would be required, but due to the nature of these questions, it is also likely that your license request will be denied.
Pre-Proposal Submitted
If there was a pre-proposal submitted, we want to connect the full proposal to it. This can save time typing, as we can bring over information. Data entry is also slightly different if there was a pre-proposal submitted.
Primary Technology Sector
The primary field of study upon which this project is based.
Prime Sponsor
Refers to the original source of funds. Type the name of the agency or organization that is funding the proposed effort. The Prime Sponsor may or may not be the same as the Direct Sponsor. Sponsors may be private businesses, corporations, government agencies, foundations, other not-for-profit organizations, other universities, and federal, state and local governments.
Principal Investigator
This field selects who will be the Principal Investigator for this proposal.
Prohibit Non-U.S. Access
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement Prohibit access to project materials/data/information by non-U.S. citizens?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
Prohibit Non-U.S. Involvement
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement prohibit the involvement of non-U.S. persons or persons from certain countries, or require prior approval from the sponsor for such activities?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
Project Activity / Research Phase
Basic Research - explores the fundamental concepts, knowledge or theory of a field of study Applied Research - uses theoretical concepts to develop real-world processes or methods Demonstration, Development, Clinical Trials, Field Testing - tests and modifies the products of applied research Commercialization - prepares a product for distribution, publication, manufacture, or marketing Product Support - enhancements or modifications to existing products Education/Training - course development, seminars, conferences, community outreach Other - non-research activities such as sponsored programs, scholarships and fellowships (describe in the space provided)
Proposed End Date
The date you are planning to complete this project. This can be easily changed down the road, but is needed early in the process to verify correct rates in the budget.
Proposed Start Date
The date you are planning to start this project. This can be easily changed down the road, but is needed early in the process to verify correct rates in the budget.
Publication Approvals
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement give the sponsor the right to approve/disapprove publication (excluding reasonable reviews for possible patent and/or sponsor proprietary information)?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
Radioactive Certified
"If yes to using radioactive materials, are you and the planned facility currently certified for the proposed work?"
Radioactive Materials
"Do any project activities use radioactive materials, equipment containing radioactive materials, or ionizing radiation-producing equipment?"
Recombinant DNA
Do any project activities include use of Recombinant DNA or Infectious Agents (Class 2 or Higher)?" Will this project will include Recombinant DNA or Infectious Agents. Questions should be directed to John Singer (207-581-2808).
Respirator Use
"Do any project activities require use of a respirator?"
Restrict the Results
"Does the statement of work, the sponsor guidelines, or ANY language in the proposal or agreement restrict the dissemination of research results, or any part of the sponsoring, granting, or establishing documents?" If you answered "yes" to this question, the Fundamental Research Exclusion may be lost, and an export control license may be required BEFORE work can proceed.
Personnel roles include: PI, Co-PI, or Sr. Personnel. Approver Roles include: Chief Business Officer (CBO), Closing Account Administrator, Dean, Department Chair / School Director, Direct Cost Share Administrator, Indirect Cost Share Administrator, President, Program Administrator, Provost, Research Center Director, or VPRDGS
Route Order
The order in which approval requests will be sent. Starting with the lowest number and moving to the highest number. More than one approver can have the same route order, but most of the time, they are sequential. PI and Co-PI's are automatically given first place in the route order and cannot be edited.
Secondary Technology Sector
If this project is multidisciplinary, this is a second field of study upon which this project is based.
Signature Areas of Excellence
Select the your answers to these two items without regard to its financial or departmental affiliation. For more information on these areas, visit http://umaine.edu/areas/. If the proposal is associated with more than one area, choose the one that it is most closely associated with. If this proposal is not closely associated with any of these, please select "Not associated with..."
Special Training
"Do any project activities require special SM training requirements (e.g., CPR/First Aid, Dive Safety, Hazardous Materials Training)?"
Sponsor Due Date
This date refers to the date by which the proposal must be received by the direct sponsor.
A Subrecipient refers to any company or organization that will significantly contribute to the design and outcome of the project. They will usually receive a portion of the project funding via a subaward agreement through UM and are named in the proposal. If you know there will be subrecipients involved, select Yes. Subrecipients can increase the complexity of the proposal which is why we ask about it at the NOI stage.
Title of Proposal
This field contains the title of this proposal which may be changed up until the time of submission.
Total Proposed Costs
Total Proposed Costs including but not limited to direct and indirect costs, UM cost sharing, and 3rd party contributions. If a project exceeds certain thresholds, additional administrative approvals are required.
Transfer of Goods Abroad
"Will the project involve transfer of goods, services, information or technology abroad? This includes temporary transfers (e.g. carry-on baggage or shipment)" If you answered "yes" to this question, an export license or license exception may be required for the foreign national/entity BEFORE beginning work on the project or PRIOR TO the transfer of goods, services, information.
Travel outside the U.S.
"Will the project involve travel outside the U.S.?" If you answered "yes" to this question, an export license or license exception may be required for the foreign national/entity BEFORE beginning work on the project or PRIOR TO the transfer of goods, services, information.
US Sanctions
"Does the project involve any of the following countries (or individuals from these countries): Crimea Region of Ukraine, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria or other countries subject to U.S. sanctions?" If you answered "yes" to this question, it is likely that a license would be required, but due to the nature of these questions, it is also likely that your license request will be denied. Additional information about US Sanctions can be found at https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Pages/Programs.aspx
Vaccine - Hepatitis B
"Do any project activities require hepatitis B vaccinations for people working with human blood or other potentially infectious body fluids?"
Vaccine - Rabies
"Do any project activities require rabies vaccines for people working with wild animals (e.g., raccoons and skunks)?"
Vaccine - Tuberculosis
"Do any project activities require TB Tests for people working with Tuberculosis?"